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Mah Jongg Club - Most Thursdays

  • Rec Room 3940 Gresham Street San Diego, CA, 92109 United States (map)

Please join Janet Wingert and Sandi Kingery — most Thursdays at 2 pm in the Rec Room at Bay Scene for a fun gathering of Bay Scene residents and their guests. We’ll be playing American / National style Mah Jongg.

Our intent is that you find the game to be as interesting, fun, and – yes – challenging as we do, and that you will join us in growing a Mah Jongg Club here at Bay Scene. We will meet on each Thursday as long as we have a minimum of 3 players to form a game. We have an e-mail that will be sent out to interested players each week so please let us know if you would like to be added to the list.

There is no need for you to know the game; just a willingness to learn.

Refreshments will be served & feel free to BYOB or anything else you wish to share.

As putting this club together is a work in progress, please bear with us. And if you have any suggestions let us hear them.

When you RSVP, we would like to know the following:

  • What is your knowledge of game, if any?

  • Have you played before?

  • What is your preference for day of the week and time to meet/play (monthly, bimonthly or weekly)?

  • Do you happen to have an American Mah Jongg set or card?

RSVP to:
Sandi Kingery (Unit 224)
Cell - (808) 286-1960
Email - or

Earlier Event: March 19
Mah Jongg Club - Most Thursdays
Later Event: April 2
Mah Jongg Club - Most Thursdays