Special Assessment 2024 Year-End Report
Bay Scene Special Assessment
2024 Year-End Report
This is a 2024 year-end report for Bay Scene owners on the progress of the Special Assessment to repair the structural deficiencies in the underground garage concrete roof (Podium Slab), replace the window curtain wall system, and waterproof the podium slab and catacomb walls.
Podium Slab Repairs
Podium Slab Repairs – COMPLETE. Due to the urgent need for structural repairs to the garage roof, a contract with Nautilus General Contractors was signed on 27 April 2023 (prior to the approval of the Special Assessment), and necessary repairs were completed 30 September 2023 at a total cost of $512,712. Completing these structural repairs before the Special Assessment approval helped resolve the concerns of financial institutions being asked by some owners to provide a loan to pay for the Special Assessment.
Curtain Wall Replacement and Replacement of Podium Slab Waterproofing
A second contract with Nautilus General Contractors was signed on 15 April 2024 in the amount of $11,627,782 for the:
1) Full removal and replacement of the exterior curtain wall window system,and
2) Repair and/or replacement of the existing waterproofing system over the podium slab, the condo walls at grade, and the crawlspace walls down to garage level.
In addition, we have a design/construction administration contract with Whitmore Architects in the amount of $377,861.
To date, costs for window curtain wall replacement are generally in line with the amount approved by the Special Assessment although, as discussed below, some unforeseen conditions have been identified that could affect the bottom line.
Curtain Wall Replacement Contract Change Orders
As shown in Table 1 below there have been eight (8) change orders (COs) to the curtain wall replacement construction contract — one discretionary and seven (7) to cover unforeseen conditions. The discretionary CO is a 10-year extension (to a total of 20 years) on the window warranty, providing an extra clear coat for improved ultraviolet (UV) protection and enhanced durability. The remaining COs involve conditions that were unforeseen in project engineering and design and discovered during construction. Our design/construction team felt it necessary to address and resolve these conditions to assure successful completion of the project, and your Board of Directors concurred. It is important to note that these change orders result in additional costs that were not included in the Special Assessment budget.
Table 1: Change Orders to Curtain Wall Replacement Construction Contract
Typical Curtain Wall Window Replacement Process (Per Condo Unit Stack)
Table 2 below shows the overall process and schedule to replace the curtain wall windows in the two locations of a typical vertical stack of five condo units. Nautilus personnel will contact the condo owner/resident at least one month prior to the start date of your curtain wall replacement to hold a consultation to explain what to expect during the construction process, along with the responsibilities of both the resident and the contractor. After erection of the scaffolding (this occurs well in advance the actual construction process), removal of any window treatment, construction of a plastic containment zone (approximately four (4) to five (5) feet inside of your unit at the curtain walls), and removal of the exterior wall stucco at the curtain wall, the construction process should take about six (6) weeks, barring any unforeseen issues.
Table 2: Typical Schedule for Replacing Curtain Wall Windows in One Condominium Unit Stack
Garage Roof Waterproofing and Site Renovations / Improvements
The contract to replace the garage roof and catacomb wall waterproofing system is in place, while the related site renovations and improvements are still in design. We anticipate the architectural team will submit the site renovation and improvement plans for approval by the City and, if necessary, Coastal Commission by late January. Site renovations and improvements that require City approval include the new drainage and irrigation systems, pathways, exterior lighting, groundcover and planting materials, along with new finished grading for the property to accommodate these changes. There is currently some concern that the City and Coastal Commission may require several months to complete their review and approval process, causing a delay in renovating our property after the waterproofing repairs. The design/contractor team and your Board of Directors are doing everything in their power to expedite the approval process.
Two of the most recent site renovation renderings from the landscape architecture firm (In-Site Landscape Architects) are shown below. This design reflects and incorporates the input received from Bay Scene residents during earlier Town Hall meetings as well as several interactive meetings with our Site Renovation Steering Committee.